Fundamentals of Effective Teaching

I have been thinking a lot lately about the fundamentals of education. There is so much written about new innovations or new ideas on the web these days and it’s easy to get overwhelmed as a teacher. It’s also hard to know how to capture the good stuff you see out there, and actually use it to make your the learning environment a more effective and exciting place to be.
A strategy that I am being drawn to more and more is mindmapping excellent pedagogical content I see on the web to retain and process the information. I can then come back to it a later stage and customise it for my context and hopefully add even more useful information to this new resource that informs my ever growing skills as a teacher.
I have a small example below taken from one of my favourite Youtube Talks done by Robert Duke. In it he mentions what he thinks are the fundamental skills of effective teaching. This is something all teachers would benefit from bearing in mind whenever they plan for learning engagements. However it’s easy for this view point to get lost, amongst the business that is the normal school day. However by creating a mindmap you create an efficient visual template, you can use as a base, the next time you do planning for an original learning engagement. Below is the simple example I created from the talk I mentioned above.
The tool that I use most of the time is called MindMup.


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