Understanding Social Network Analysis with a Focus on Teacher Collaboration

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


As part of my minor dissertation I am really having to up-skill on Social Network Analysis (SNA). This is a collection of the best stuff I have found on the the web to help me learn. This covers collecting data as well as visualising of the data and the calculation of various related descriptive statistics. 

Update April 2021

Tools for Gathering Social Network Survey Data 

  • Showcasing building a SNA Survey in Qualtrics - this is the method i have used

  • Newer tech GENSI with a graphical approach to capturing SNA data, that could possibly be integrated into Qualtrics 

  • Network Canvas - very new but looks promising and free 

Tools for Drawings Network Diagrams and Descriptive Stats

1) Ucinet - link to site 
2) Netdraw 
- link to site
3) Gephi - link to site 
4) SocNetv - link to site
) Network Canvas - link to site
6) Pajek - link to the site
7) Kumu - link to the site 
8) InfraNodus - link to the site
9) NodeXL - link to site

* Useful reference article 

Additional Resources

More Resources

More Social Network Analysis 

Choices based on my experiences Testing

  • SocNetV for Diagram Drawing and some Network Analysis Descriptive Stats 
  • Gephi for Network Analysis Descriptive Stats , graphing functionality was buggy when i tried to use it / get it working
  • Ucinet great summary page and useful theory 


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